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  • #4246434

    How to optimize my website for desktop look?


    by irank7866 ·


    I have this website related to solar panel prices in Pakistan, how to get my site perfect for desktop interface?

    Note: link to website removed by moderator as spam

    • This topic was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by Avatar photokees_b.

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    • #4246437
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      Reply To: How to optimize my website for desktop look?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How to optimize my website for desktop look?

      It already looked good enough to me. What’s keeping you from making it look even better?

      Most developers find it easier to get a website good on a large screen than making it responsive so it looks good on all devices. Apparently you are more content with your phone interface than with your desktop interface, which is reverse.

      Discuss the issue with your web developer to get it everywhere as you want. It’s not clear from your post, but needs an in-depth discussion.

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